Workers’ compensation is a type of liability insurance that is required under state laws. Commonly known as workers’ comp, this type of coverage pays medical costs and replaces wages when employees are injured at work. Workers’ compensation insurance is designed to protect both the employer and their staff from possible financial disaster.

The Workers’ Compensation Program was founded in 1977 as a group workers’ compensation self-insurance pool for South Carolina’s healthcare industry. The program’s focus on worker safety, coupled with specialized risk management services, emphasis on prompt claims reporting and superior claims administration, ensures that its clients have the best possible solution for their workers’ compensation needs.

Workers’ compensation claims services, underwriting and risk management services are provided to the program under a contract with Antum Risk and through business alliances with other best-practices companies.

“Moving from a TPA to the workers’ compensation program with Palmetto Hospital Trust has streamlined our internal processes, making them very efficient by using PHT’s electronic claims reporting. PHT’s service is unparalleled in the state. This has been especially enlightening during the COVID-19 crisis. The collaboration between claims and risk management to provide assistance in this new territory for employee health has helped us work through various issues and manage this journey together.


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