OSHA Recordkeeping


OSHA recordkeeping requirements can be as clear as mud! OSHA’s application of the standard is nuanced and not always logical which makes compliance difficult. This webinar will cover basic recordkeeping requirements and help explain common errors made on OSHA 300 logs that affect the data on your 300A.   Learning Objectives After completing this webinar […]

Introduction to OSHA

Have you ever wondered what OSHA is really all about? Do you know what rights employees have under the OSHA Act? Do you know what responsibilities an employer has under the OSHA Act? This webinar will provide participants with introductory information about OSHA and answer many of the questions you may have been afraid to […]

What to Expect from an OSHA Inspection


When OSHA comes calling it can result in panic and stress even if we truly believe we have great workplace safety programs! Learning how the inspection process works from start to finish can help allay some of that stress. Since OSHA has announced a new COVID National Emphasis Program, the likelihood of them coming onsite […]

I just had an OSHA inspection…now what?

The aftermath of an OSHA inspection can feel as overwhelming as the inspection itself and may leave you with many uncertainties. What costs are associated with citations and do we have to pay? What are abatement dates, when do they start, and are they calendar days or business days? Will they be back and if […]