What to Expect from an OSHA Inspection


When OSHA comes calling it can result in panic and stress even if we truly believe we have great workplace safety programs! Learning how the inspection process works from start to finish can help allay some of that stress. Since OSHA has announced a new COVID National Emphasis Program, the likelihood of them coming onsite […]

I just had an OSHA inspection…now what?

The aftermath of an OSHA inspection can feel as overwhelming as the inspection itself and may leave you with many uncertainties. What costs are associated with citations and do we have to pay? What are abatement dates, when do they start, and are they calendar days or business days? Will they be back and if […]

I Need to Train Who, on What? OSHA Training Requirements Explained


Employees are required to be trained on their reasonably anticipated job hazards before they encounter those hazards. Usually, that means a lot of up-front training for new employees, but what does it have to cover? Who should do the training and what qualifications does their trainer need to have? Is computer-based training OK? Does it […]

OSHA Recordkeeping


OSHA recordkeeping requirements can be as clear as mud! OSHA’s application of the standard is nuanced and not always logical which makes compliance difficult. The changes in COVID recordkeeping requirements make this year particularly challenging. This webinar will cover basic recordkeeping requirements and helps explain common errors made on OSHA 300 logs that affect the […]

Hazard Communication for Healthcare


This webinar offers 1 hour of nursing continuing professional development. Chemical safety education in healthcare is not just for environmental services and facilities engineering! Bedside employees are well versed in what to do in the event of a patient’s adverse reaction to medication. Are practitioners equally confident on what to do should they have inadvertent […]

Respiratory Protection


This webinar offers 1 hour of nursing continuing professional development. There are not many forms of PPE that have been more discussed in the last two years than respiratory protection, but how confident are you that you have it right? Join us to learn about OSHA’s respiratory program requirements. Learning Objectives State the three reasons […]

Competent Person Walkway Auditor Training Webinar Series


Please join us for a three part Competent Person Walkway Auditor Training Webinar Series. Slips, trips, falls continue to be the most frequent and most severe cause of claims for the Trust as a whole. The purpose of this training program is for attendees to recognize, evaluate and control hazards in their workplaces that may […]

Job Hazard Analysis: Identifying Hazards and Preventing Injuries Before They Happen


Job Hazard Analysis is a systematic approach to identifying hazards before they can occur. It focuses on the overlap between workers, tasks, tools, and the work environment to identify uncontrolled hazards. Once identified, plans should be developed and actions taken to eliminate the hazards, or, at a minimum, reduce them to an acceptable risk level. […]

SC ACHE Chapter Leadership Conference

Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center 1101 Lincoln Street, Columbia, SC, United States

Please join us on October 19 for the SC ACHE Chapter Leadership Conference. This event will consist of two 1.5 hour panel discussions. The first panel will cover Equity of Care and the second will discuss The Value of Developing and Implementing Alternative Care Models. This event will provide 3 hours of ACHE Face-to-Face education […]

Contractor Integration into Safety Management Systems


Training Coordinator and former Compliance Officer, Jonid Castillo, will provide a one-hour overview of Safety Management Systems and Contractor Management. During this presentation, Jonid will discuss the importance of building a strong relationship between host employers and contractors in order to create a safe and inclusive environment for all. Part of this discussion will outline […]

OSHA Top 10 Citations and Standards Update


Being in compliance with the most frequently cited standards often goes a long way toward complete compliance if OSHA comes calling! In this session, we will highlight OSHA’s Top Ten citation list for 2021 and provide examples of where they can be found in healthcare settings. As administrations change, so do the regulatory priorities of […]

OHSA 7500 Introduction to Safety Management Systems

Antum Risk 201 Executive Center Drive, Suite 300, Columbia, SC, United States

This one-day course features information on effective strategies for implementing a safety and health management system in the workplace. The focus of this one-day workshop is the effective implementation of a company’s safety and health management system. The workshop addresses the seven elements of an effective safety and health system and those central issues that […]